
Here you will find info on how to register for a tournament.

Payouts will vary for each tournament. Payouts are directly related to the amount of players participating.
FFA: Payouts for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
1v1: Payouts for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
2v2: Payouts for 1st place team and 2nd place team.
4v4: Payouts for 1st place team and 2nd place team.

Registration Fee's:
Each tournament will have a registration fee, and it vary's for each tournament. The fee will be announced along with the tournament. Fee's must be payed via PayPal, and the winners will be rewarded through PayPal. Once you pay, no refunds will be given. If you don't show to the tournament but pay, you will not be refunded.

How to Register:
Email us your info at:

Info to include:
Paypal email (So we can identify who payed)
Tournament you wish to participate in, and date of tournament. (Ex. 1v1 Halo 3, 4/26/13)

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