Friday, March 10, 2090

Welcome to Classic Gaming League!

Welcome to CGL, a competitive video game league that is aimed at bringing back the glory days of competitive gaming! Games that will be included are Halo 3, Halo Reach and COD 4. This league will host tournaments and scrims for the games listed, all of which will take place through Xbox Live for the time being. The goal of this league is too bring back the excitement, intensity, and competition that these games brought to the table back in their prime. The tournaments will include 1v1, 2v2, 4v4, and FFA gametypes. For more detailed descriptions, visit the Tournament Format tab. If you wish to partake in any tournaments or scrims, either email us at our Gmail, or message me on Xbox (GT: TracklaSnipez). Also visit the Tournament Guideline tab to learn about partaking in tournaments. See you on the battlefield!

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